General Finance Setting

The Reseller Control Panel allows you to customize various finance parameters as follows:

  1. Login to your Control Panel. See details

  2. In the Menu, point to Settings -> Finance & Billing and then click General Settings.

  3. Modify all the information in the form to suit your needs. The various fields in the form are explained below:

    • Selling Currency and Accounting Currency: Selling Currency represents the currency in which you wish to sell your Products to your Customers and Sub-Resellers, whereas Accounting Currency represents the currency in which you maintain your books of accounts in your Country.

      Additional Information

      Selling and Accounting Currencies

      Modifying Selling Currency / Accounting Currency:

      1. Click the To change the currencies above click here >> link.

        • It is important that you select the Selling Currency and Accounting Currency carefully at the time of signing-up as a Reseller. If the need arises, you may modify the Selling and/or Accounting Currency as long as there are no transactions performed within your Reseller Account.

          You will encounter the below error message in case any Transaction has already been performed within your Reseller Account -

          You have some transactions in your account and therefore you cannot change your currency now.

        • If your Reseller Account already has Transactions associated with it and you wish to conduct your business using some other Currencies, you may create a Sub-Reseller Account for yourself with the preferred Currencies, under your Main Reseller Account. Your Main Reseller Account with Loon Hosting Inc needs to be Credited with actual funds. You can then add virtual Funds to your Sub-Reseller Account and conduct your business through this Account.
        • Once you change the selling currency of your Reseller Account, the selling price for the products are not updated automatically based on the new currency conversion. You will have to manually update the pricing for all products, for your customers as well as sub-resellers.
      2. Select the desired Selling Currency/Accounting Currency.

      3. Submit the modification by clicking the Proceed button.

    • Currency Conversion Rate: This represents the conversion rate between your Selling Currency and Accounting Currency. If you have chosen a different Accounting currency from your Selling Currency, the system will also automatically calculate your Forex Gain/Loss per transaction for you.

      Alternatively, you can keep modifying this value on a regular basis to represent the accurate conversion rate between your Selling Currency and Accounting Currency. This can be enabled by selecting the checkbox adjacent to I would like to Maintain the currency exchange rate myself.

    • Funds Threshold Level: Set this to a comfortable amount such that the the System notifies you when Funds in your Reseller Advance Account drop below this level. For instance, if you set this to 100 in your Selling Currency, then each time your funds drop below 100, you will get an e-mail to replenish your funds.

    • Minimum Transaction Amount: This is a very useful feature which allows you to specify a minimum amount below which your Customers and Sub-Resellers will not be able to pay/add funds using any online payment option. This is useful when you do not wish to allow your Customers and Sub-Resellers to transact small amounts by online methods.

      • Minimum Transaction Amount for making Payments: By setting a value greater than zero in this field, you can restrict your Customers from paying for Invoices/Debit Notes of lesser amounts.

      • Minimum Transaction Amount for Adding Funds: By setting a value greater than zero in this field, you can restrict your Customers and Sub-Resellers from adding funds into the system of lesser amounts.

    • Turn on the generation of Risk Assessment Reports: By default this feature is turned on, as a measure to mitigate fraud when receiving funds from your Sub-Resellers and Customers via any of the following Payment Gateways:

      • Authorize.Net Credit Card Gateway

      • VeriSign Payflow Pro Credit Card Gateway

      • PayPal Direct Payment API Gateway

    • Payment Page Information: Apart from various online payment gateways that you can setup to receive payment/funds, you may also choose to receive payment/funds via offline methods. Should you choose to do so, you would need to display various methods by which your Customers and Sub-resellers can make offline payments, such as your Postal Address, instructions for mailing a Cheque or Wire Transfer information. All such information can be submitted here.

      Here, you would find 2 text-boxes in which you can submit the Payment Page content (in HTML). You may submit separate instructions for your Customers and Sub-Resellers, which would be presented to them on the payment page, before settling Invoices or adding Funds from their respective Control Panels.


      The Invoice Payment Page displayed to your Customers will have the Payment Page content provided above, only when they try to settle pending Invoices from within their Customer Control Panel. If you are using the SuperSite, the Invoice Payment Page content displayed to your Customers during the purchase flow needs to be customized separately.